The Real Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything.

Wyatt Greenway
9 min readJun 5, 2023

Note from the author: this article is one of the deeper articles I have ever written. Apologies for its length… please bear with me. Please read with an open mind, and with the understanding of a heavy use of the figurative and analogous ideas. Over the years of personal discovery this is the way I have come to answer the meaning of life. Much of my spirituality is rooted in Hindu beliefs, but have been tempered with other beliefs as well. This thesis here is to examine the idea behind the nature of a personal soul, and the relationship it has to God.

I am but the whimsical imaginings of God.

I am a relationship with God.

But unlike a “them” and “me” relationship, this is a relationship in which I am the relationship, and God is also the relationship. It isn’t a relationship of two parties, but rather two natures that are defined by a relationship. God’s own imaginings are the substance of my character.

In error, and with a Desire for myself — and also from a fear to continue and prevail in my existence — I myself ignorantly embrace this Egoist idea of “me”… a thing not of Him. But this very idea of “me” is problematic because it implies that God is a separate thing from Ego, the “I-ness” of existence, “me”. But to be separate from God is not possible, and further, God is our…



Wyatt Greenway

Long time professional and hobbyist software enthusiast, spiritual seeker, and philosopher