Only one question matters

Wyatt Greenway
2 min readMar 2, 2024


A concerned mother with her child

“How do we end the suffering of single mothers and their children?”

How do we work together collectively to materialize such a goal?

How do we ensure our children are properly cared for, and guaranteed fairness in opportunity, but not equalness in identity?

How do we ensure mothers are cared for, able to care for their children, and supported by society — their larger family — that surrounds them?

How do we ensure fathers have opportunities to support their families, either through income or homemaking, so they can amount to something, feel appreciated, and be productive?

How can we inspire people to want more human connection & happiness, to desire to improve themselves, to seek only that which is valuable, to want to be better, to be better?

What we are doing right now isn’t working.

Billions of people are miserable right now. Right now. At this very moment.

Would permitting it to continue be the moral thing to do?

Are we not scientists that have sent probes beyond the reach of our solar system, probes containing messages for aliens?

Yet we claim to be unable to find the issues lurking in our own hearts that enable the evil, the dark, and the painful rot to continue in our midst?

I refuse to accept such a fate. Life is not a stream to float hopelessly down. Life is a challenge to smooth the edges of one’s own soul.

The only question that matters, the only question that will ever matter, is

“How do we end the suffering of single mothers and their children?”

In fulfilling this task, we will also necessarily attain the status of a utopia.

If we could all just agree on such a simple concept as this, to focus on this thing that we know really matters — something that is pinnacle to our core existence, and to title it “the moral thing to do” and get on with it… well, we would then all be a lot better off for it, right?




Wyatt Greenway

Long time professional and hobbyist software enthusiast, spiritual seeker, and philosopher