How Walmart lost thousands in revenue because of dumb software engineers

Wyatt Greenway
3 min readAug 5, 2023 forcing login to view even their Terms of Service

This morning I wanted to quickly browse my local Walmart to see if they had a product I needed.

Boy was I in for a surprise.

Some dumb developer made a big boo-boo: It is impossible to browse Walmart’s mobile site unless you first login.

I wonder how many customers they have already lost world-wide.

Here is a video recording I made explaining my experience:

If you can’t or don’t want to watch the video, it essentially goes like this:

I need a product, so I attempt to browse on my mobile phone to check if my local Walmart has said product.

Instead I am confronted with a login screen. There is no way around it. I am forced to login if I want to browse products.

Well, I assume maybe this is just one of those mobile glitches. So I enable good-ol’ “Desktop Mode” and reload. This however doesn’t work at all. The brain-dead developer who made this big boo-boo figured it was a…



Wyatt Greenway

Long time professional and hobbyist software enthusiast, spiritual seeker, and philosopher