Hell: A horror of fallacies

Wyatt Greenway
18 min readMar 23, 2023
A forest burning in a forest fire
A depiction of Hell

In my opinion “Hell” is the single most damaging creative invention of the human race. It has separated people from God, and from each other; it has destroyed dreams, mutilated people’s minds and hearts, and has left society crippled and unable to grow or function; it has contributed greatly to the rampant fear, bigotry, and hate in our world; it has creeped it’s dark way into the shadowy corner of every human heart.

I make these claims easily, because they are easy to support (and consistently observed by billions of people daily). You see the symptoms of Hell in your scrupulous friend; you see it in the hypocritical evangelical; you see it in the fearful; you see it in the mask of your local priest; you see it in the damning of sexuality (which is wholly natural); you see it in the power struggle of religion; you see it in the attendance of Sunday mass, the hate focused towards the LGBTQI+ community, the broken families, the uncharitable acts, and in those two clean shaven, white shirted, black-pants-wearing gentlemen that are knocking at your door.

One could fill volumes with the observations and damages of the man-made fear cycle named “Hell”. By design it twists itself around the minds of all, and sticks deeply in the dark shadows of hearts, where it awaits to dig its claws in when threatened.



Wyatt Greenway

Long time professional and hobbyist software enthusiast, spiritual seeker, and philosopher