Healing is coming to our world… will you be part of the solution, or part of the problem?

Wyatt Greenway
4 min readJun 5, 2024


Have you ever wondered why our teachers are paid so little?

Or why they are required to purchase their own classroom supplies?

Have you ever wondered why it takes an entire month’s salary to pay for childcare?

Or why rent is more than 50% of your own salary?

Why is it that a wire transfer costs up to $40 dollars, when it only costs the banks pennies?

Why is healthcare inaccessible?

Why is it that wages have flat-lined since the 70's?

Why is it that we can no longer even afford a bag of chips?

Why is it that human suffering, despair, and suicide rates are climbing rapidly?

The answer is so simple it will hurt your brain when to finally accept it and place it close to your heart:

Every single day of your life, you have accepted abuse.

Every single day of your life you have allowed others to disrespect and mistreat you.

You continue accepting abuse and disrespect right now, even in this very minute.

THIS is why our world is so fucked up.

THIS is why you are suffering so badly right now.


Yes, you, the reader.

You yourself have been immoral, by allowing others to treat you immorally.

You yourself have been a criminal, by being involved in the crime of wage theft, employment abuse, disrespect of the human soul and human condition.

You permit these crimes to continue every time you go back to work.

But don’t panic! There is healing in the works. A plan is underway to change our world once and for all. This plan requires YOU to make it all work out.

You will be uncomfortable.

You will be scared.

You won’t know what is coming next.

But you will FINALLY be respected.

You will no longer accept abuse.

You will be the tool through which global change actually happens.

We are all organizing a global strike for the month of July, 2024.

A universal strike.

A strike in which EVERYONE — yes, I mean EVERYONE — refuses to go to work for the entire month of July.

This includes doctors.


Gas station workers.

Power plant operators.

Garbage facility workers.


How do we accomplish this? Simple:

We all simply MUST do ONE thing for the month of July, 2024:




Decide RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW that YOU are worth it. That YOU matter. That YOUR LIFE matters. That the LIVES OF YOUR CHILDREN matter.

Get it in your head that NO ONE is forcing you to accept your own demise. You are CHOOSING — every single day — to allow the abuse to persist.

Will it be scary to once again wrestle back our independence in the month of July? Yes. We will all need some sacrifice. But, when you REALLY think about it, there isn’t all that much you actually NEED.

You don’t need a TV.

You don’t need a couch.

You don’t need a bed.

You don’t even need a home.

Those are all creature comforts that will come back to you… AFTER the abuse has passed.

For now, we all must accept potential loss. We WILL lose things by taking a stand.


I have been on strike myself since January.

Against it all.

I am unable to find any employment worth my soul.

I am unable to find any moral situation that fits with my values, and the way I WILL live my life.

I am unable to find a single moral soul who is willing to provide ABUNDANCE for me and my family.

I am unable to find ANY employer who treats me better than a slave.

So I just won’t.

I just haven’t.

I am about to lose my house and my situation.

My wife and children aren’t exactly sure what we will do.

But my wife and I KNOW for certain that we will NO LONGER teach our children it is okay to be abused; to be disrespected; to be shit upon daily; to be a slave one moment longer…

We are taking a stand.

We are likely to end up homeless.

But we will be a whole family. We will have respect and honor in our lives. We will be living a moral life. We will be living OUR LIVES. We will be teaching our children the proper way to live. We will be ALIVE instead of “just living”.

Please, I beg of you, for the sake of my children and yours: DO NOT go to work for the entire month of July. Accept a little hunger. Accept a little discomfort. Accept the unknown… accept fear itself!

For in not doing so, you accept something much worse: not living; not being alive; not having rights; not living a moral life; not standing up for your children and their futures; not having a soul; forever being a slave to someone else’s abundance.

We have all ALWAYS held the power to enact change. We just have to discard our apathy to wield it.


Please comment that you will take a stand, and spread the word! This article is NOT behind a paywall deliberately so that it can be shared with friends and family.

SHARE SHARE SHARE! This must spread like wildfire if it is ever to work!



Wyatt Greenway

Long time professional and hobbyist software enthusiast, spiritual seeker, and philosopher